'Across The New World' SM CLASSICS Brand Film

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'Across The New World' SM CLASSICS Brand Film
"Our worlds will be connected across the new world again, which will be filled with the new colors together."
Like the past and the present are connected to open the future,
like people meet and form relationships,
'Across The New World' represents SM Classics's unique universe and music that are newly unfolding after 'From The New World' and 'Into The New World' converged.
Girls' Generation's 'Into The New World' incorporates the elements of 'From The New World' by Dvorak.
SM Classics also incorporates the elements from 'Edward Elgar : Pomp and Circumstances No.1 in D Major, OP.39' to reflect the meaning of musical compliments to the path Girls' Generation has been walking, and created the orchestra version of 'Into The New World' to cheer for what lies ahead of fans.
SM Classics incorporates elements from 'Antonio Vivaldi: The Four Seasons, RV 315 "Summer" - III. Presto' and reinterpretes TVXQ!’s 'Rising Sun' into the orchestra version.
The representative songs of SM ENTERTAINMENT for the last 30 years are influenced by and incorporating the elements of the repertoire of the grand classic music composers over hundreds of years, being transformed into special music by SM Classics.
'Across The New World', SM CLASSICS
SM CLASSICS's new album "Across The New World" is out!
Listen and download on your favorite platform: SMClassics.lnk...
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#AcrossTheNewWorld #SMTOWN
#다시만난세계 #RisingSun

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@SMClassics Ай бұрын
SM Classics의 첫 공연, 'SM CLASSICS LIVE 2025 with 서울시립교향악단' 🎫예매: linktr.ee/smclassics2025 📍예술의전당 (Seoul Arts Center) 📅 2025.02.14(FRI) 8PM 🎶출연: 서울시립교향악단(연주), 김유원(지휘), 민호(오프닝 내레이션) 📍롯데콘서트홀 (Lotte Concert Hall) 📅 2025.02.15 (SAT) 5PM 🎶출연: 서울시립교향악단(연주), 김유원(지휘), 웬디(협연), 민호(오프닝 내레이션)
@brauliogarridocernada Ай бұрын
omg omg omg omg omg , if love beautiful
@melidaily6994 Ай бұрын
Why sm not up your new girlsgroups 🫣
@SvtvebwSelcgvSsssntjAMV 21 күн бұрын
Five Minutes - Ouw! (FULL ALBUM OUW!!!!!! Spotify BAND) (Five MinutesBand - Ouw!!!!! 1997 - 2025) (SpotifyBandFiveMinutesBand “Ouw!”)
@amblytheee Ай бұрын
Time has pass but "Into the New World" is still a Legendary song until now
@popburnsy3207 Ай бұрын
A tree so tall they still stand in it's shadow
@snbakn Ай бұрын
I didn't expect to cry after watching this film. Because sadly not all of our dreams come true and we have to sacrifice them for more paycheck and monotone oriented job. But even if we are in this situation I want to believe that someday we would achieve what our younger self wanted maybe it's a travel to Disneyland, byuing a new house/apartment, work at gallery and etc. I wish to all of find your personal happiness in this very busy life!
@jasmine_soo8839 Ай бұрын
@kamilla473 Ай бұрын
And I cried because of your words 😭
@팔팔-y1s Ай бұрын
에스엠 클래식 진짜 좋아요… 쭉 밀고 나가서 스엠 하면 떠오르는 한 장르로 자리 잡길.
@peanutbutter-banana Ай бұрын
i cried when they talked about their dreams when they were younger, and one of the girls said that she'd be sad if she couldn't become what she dreams of. a lot of us dream biggest when we're younger but as we course through life, harsh reality slaps us and our dreams get smaller.. :( but even then, i hope everyone can be kind to themselves. you tried and you're trying, you're doing your best for the cards life has dealt you with. may we all become a step closer to our dreams
@Hidden_Text Ай бұрын
영상 진짜 좋다.. 특히 저 명찰이 바뀌는게 너무 인상적이었어요..
@feefew8181 Ай бұрын
This video makes me cry a lot. Wow into the new world so timeless Missing you My GG
@trolliar8947 Ай бұрын
SM is always so created with their projects.
@bjird7278 Ай бұрын
no doubt greatest kpop song of all time the kpop anthem into the new world
@oncespecial Ай бұрын
@brooklynmusings Ай бұрын
Girls Generation and TVXQ made me an SM fan! Two completely legendary groups!
@applepie_hih Ай бұрын
6:07 오 마지막에 동방신기 Rising sun+비발디 좋다
@슬-v8h Ай бұрын
진짜 좋은데 잘키워서 계속 유지해나갔으면 좋겠다,,
@Am_Israel_Chai_ Ай бұрын
Am I the only one that watching this video made her cry?
@ChannelPISBIB Ай бұрын
The world moves so fast, that we don't realize it...
@DandanG. Ай бұрын
SM understand how iconic and legend SNSD was. During the days, SM ent is like the standard of beauty/dance/figure/trend/top along with YG and JYP. Their idols are like the standards. But I don't know what went wrong. SNSD is like a top princess. followed by Suju, Fx and EXO. OMG those days are gold. I mean, even I'm a blackjack(2ne1), I couldn't deny how gorgeous, trendy of SNSD. I miss the ot9 SNSD. OT9 IS STILL THE BEST!
@d0ng_daegal Ай бұрын
실제로 연주들으면 더 울컥할 듯.. 웅장하다웅ㅈㅇ애
@마에다가윤 Ай бұрын
슴콘에서 이거 봤ㄴ느데 살짝 울컥하더라고요…
@cellticsquobe9191 Ай бұрын
It's midnight and I am still cutting onions. I miss those girls who brought me to kpop 😂😅😊❤
@jonodistefano1726 Ай бұрын
Best classic video of all and sm entertainment is always the greatest
@tohm4549 Ай бұрын
과거와 현재를 이어주는 매개체 음악.. 그리고 맞이하는 새로운 세계. 곳곳이 현실적이라 괜히 슬퍼지는 영상. 응원합니다 슴클래식
@aurora_bae Ай бұрын
Beautiful short film. Didn't every Sone wish (pun intended) to work for Soshi at one point in life? I sympathize with Kim Minju. Haha ITNW is a timeless song. 💗
@뮬-u2l Ай бұрын
하.. 같은세대에 살던 사람이라 공감되어서 그런가.. 눈물좀 찔끔나네..
@seanharding8315 Ай бұрын
That was just amazing - really moving and powerful - I think age gives it more meaning but that was a beautiful moment.
@bambi3079 Ай бұрын
다만세가 나오던게 고2때...실제로 친구들이랑 저렇게 뛰어다니고 점심시간에 체육관 가서 뒹굴거리고..했던 카시오페아인 나😀 그때 그 시절 감정 그대로 느낄 수 있게 해줘서 고마워 스엠....어른 되니까 저시절 친구들 얼굴 일년에 한두번 보는게 다네요,,너무나도 보고싶은 친구들과 내 학창시절이 생각나😢
@아미스타 Ай бұрын
음악이 전해 주는 메시지, 기대했던 콘서트, 2월 현장에서 만납니다.💕과거를 추억 하고, 현재를 즐기고, 미래를 상상하며~~
@abc_19 Ай бұрын
@llseollk_ Ай бұрын
이서기 이젠 연기까지 하는 건가요ㄷㄷ sm공식계정에서 보게 될 줄은 몰랐는데 넘 조탕💛💛
@leejk04 Ай бұрын
다시 만난 세계❤❤
@JoWoooooooooo Ай бұрын
와...화면의 전환이 진짜 예술임ㅇㅇ
@lilipopo77 Ай бұрын
다시 만난 세계의 해도 반드시 뜨니까 라이징선..엔딩까지 완벽한 영상이네 이거 앨범 나오는거죠? 나오면 꼭 사고 싶네요 lp로도 나왔으면!
@Chikeyyyy Ай бұрын
오프라인은 모르겠는데 온라인 음원사이트엔 벌써 올라와있어요
@chandraparera Ай бұрын
Even a hundred years from now, this feeling and love will remain the same, only for you, my girl, my generation, Soshi ❤
@lilianaoviedo-gm4sn Ай бұрын
Goosebumps is amazing, listening to Into the New World, it made me emotional, it's a wonderful song
@4eva178 Ай бұрын
갓켄지를 사랑하는 이유.. 다만세를 소녀시대의 데뷔곡으로 준 스엠도 고마워요 내 첫 아이돌이자 17년이 된 지금까지도 덕질을 멈추지 않게 해준 소시도 고마워❤
@Ce1y Ай бұрын
Such a beautiful short film! I hope that those who made it are living their dream. You made something really special with this!
@jxia86 Ай бұрын
if you are in high school in Korea when SNSD debut, this short film is very relevant to you.
@octopu5ie Ай бұрын
INTW represents the unfading hopes & dreams each person carries in their heart how can a song be this legendary... it's the unofficial anthem of all kpop gens
@PinkBlood_0214 Ай бұрын
SM의 이런 새로운 세계가 좋음....뉴월드
@olivia-ke8rq Ай бұрын
소녀시대때가 진짜 좋았는데...슬프다 ㅠㅠ그시절이 생각나는데 돌아가질못해서
@fkfq5221 Ай бұрын
Whoaaaaah they put all of the releases in an album!🎉🎉🎉❤
@찜-n2q Ай бұрын
스엠 사랑해 다만세는 진ㅁ짜 명곡이다
@minakim4583 Ай бұрын
This video made me cry it reminded me of my younger self my dreams my old friends the old kpop we grew up with, i'm so touched thank you SM, the world is changing, but our our memories will last forever
@알콩달콩-n7y Ай бұрын
영상이 넘 멋지네요. 화이팅!
@yun_yuni_ Ай бұрын
헉 슴클래싯 공연이라니 대박 기대된다🩷🩷 클래식 전공자로서 슴덕으로서 슴클래식 너무 좋아 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
@tavittOmtz Ай бұрын
SNSD , Forever 1😊
@kr3w705 Ай бұрын
와~~영상 느낌 너무 좋내요 30주년 축하해요 SM
@ashifaaesdiary Ай бұрын
no wayyyyy, they included an optometrist as one of the careers. these make meee so proudddd!!
@moonkang55 Ай бұрын
영상 너무 좋아요 잘 만듬❤
@권민냐리투 Ай бұрын
자랑스럽다 오은재
@joannadifernand-d2b Ай бұрын
Eu me arrepiei todinha, porque eu vivi os anos de ouro da SM.
@coolworldtimeslip957 Ай бұрын
이런 시도 .. 너무 좋네
@fromurot Ай бұрын
저기요 이런 거 계속 해주세요... 개좋음 안 하시면 어떤어떤 법으로 신고합니다 ㅜ
@yourbrotherhood6549 Ай бұрын
Can’t wait to see Hearts2hearts debut ❤
@jijijiji_jijijisu Ай бұрын
이름이 김민주..💕
@xoxzmin Ай бұрын
영상 진짜 좋다 우연히 봤는데 스엠 클래식도 기대할게요.. 진짜 기대된다
@yeehaw7810 Ай бұрын
into the new world is THAT song
@abeleugenio6182 Ай бұрын
I really love how creative and passionate the SM is about art, and particularly music! That is one of the real asset of them!
@Ayum-vx1jk Ай бұрын
I cry every time i hear ITNW
@BaejinRBLX Ай бұрын
영원히 소녀시대!
@anakarolinafreitas9122 Ай бұрын
I looooooveeeeee them 😍😍😍😍💖💖💖💖
@cainjaik9012 22 күн бұрын
내 추억아 사랑한다
@inhduy6607 Ай бұрын
I miss SNSD & i miss youth back then, listened to all kpop golden era songs & lived my young life freely. 😢
@boo-p1f Ай бұрын
서기언니 연기라니!..🥺
@haechiey Ай бұрын
this is art. and so nostalgic
@justellecamp Ай бұрын
This is so relatable 😢
@cheonhyo11 Ай бұрын
❤ 30 주년 축하해요~~~ sm🥰🩷🩷🩷
@jondistefano288 Ай бұрын
best ever and soo filled with lots of talent and very fun
@babyblrr2096 Ай бұрын
또 뉴 세계를 만났다
@dwikotto Ай бұрын
Kalo denger nada lagu ITNW berasa mengenang SNSD
@shorinjikaporoh6814 Ай бұрын
Wow... and terima kasih untuk orang" yang mempunyai cita-cita yang luar biasa walaupun itu yah bisa di bilang belum tercapai karena keadaan saat itu tapi dengan semangat dan tekad pantang menyerah itu terjadi berkat kerja keras kalian dan kita semua.. Tetap Cintai impian kita terutama itu hal bermusik karena "IS MY LIFE"
@anemone9480 Ай бұрын
outstanding as always, and saying it again, one more time : One of the best concepts ever in K-pop
@sohyunkim_04 Ай бұрын
S♡NE ❤
@stephp3455 Ай бұрын
Why did I cry…..
@habitt24 Ай бұрын
헉~~서기님이 나오네~~~♡❤
@MariaKiani14 Ай бұрын
Just a girl that loves RIIZE
@cintaaurora2875 Ай бұрын
Into the new world disney banget music nya 😭
@aegothacked Ай бұрын
Love the instrumental of the into the new world snsd😂
@judylee9974 Ай бұрын
대 근 본 SM
@taengoo8939 Ай бұрын
@o-mega199 23 күн бұрын
Into the new world is truly always an opening for something new... Now, tomorrow, forever
@mingkingmed Ай бұрын
girls’ generation 💗
@arthurteoh Ай бұрын
Beyond the New World will be the sequel for 2035 SMTOWN
@jasmine_soo8839 Ай бұрын
woah!!! live orchestra soon??
@aurora_bae 24 күн бұрын
After all, Girls' Generation represents SM Entertainment's golden days. Because you know their importance, I hope you continue to work with the members to protect their name they worked so hard to build. Please treat the remaining members in your company well.
@동글주먹 Ай бұрын
슴클 점점 성장하는 모습이 넘 감동적이고 뿌듯하네요ㅠ 이영상마저도 정말
@Guldariya_ Ай бұрын
Wowww!!!!amazing 🌟😺
@tirtoananda4348 Ай бұрын
My Girls Generation Please Comeback To SM Entertainment In 2025. Because We'll Miss Smile From Taeyeon, Tiffany, Seohyun, Yoona, Sooyoung, Yuri, Hyoyeon, Sunny. The Last Time Girls Generation Released Title Song Forever One In 2022.
@ZhaoZimingPl Ай бұрын
Regarding solo activities for the members that are still under SM even till now, check out Taeyeon's latest mini album 'Letter To Myself' and Hyoyeon's latest single 'Retro Romance'.
@calavibe Ай бұрын
im waiting for H2H
@zoep8138 Ай бұрын
민주역 오은재 배우님 너무 멋져요!!
@하하하-x5s8n Ай бұрын
다시 만난 세계... 김민주 이름 상징적이다
@minakim4583 Ай бұрын
Thank you SM 🥺💜✨
@imy4650 Ай бұрын
3:43 sone cryingggggggggggggggggggggg😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@protox07 Ай бұрын
Have a happy new year SMTOWN
@user-irqw67dbc9 Ай бұрын
서기다❤❤❤ 연기도 잘하네❤❤
@기믄히 Ай бұрын
김민주역 오은재님 너무 풋풋하고 귀여워요 ㅎㅎ 학생같다가도 직장인 같은 모습도 다채롭게 소화를 잘 하네요
@kvltntr00 Ай бұрын
@summerhertz_ Ай бұрын
서기야 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@il3648 Ай бұрын
서기님.. 연기도 하시구나🙂
@마마-q4l Ай бұрын
헉. 고딩 서기. 넘. 귀엽네요
@ditto50-o9y Ай бұрын
스엠만이 할 수 있는 웅장함임….
@lingth Ай бұрын
Imagine Kenzie who make SNSD's INTW and Aespa Supernova and other songs.. i wonder what songs will Heart2Hearts get from Kenzie .
@김용식-d2d Ай бұрын
서기 연기 처음일텐데 잘하네
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