[Hot&Young Seoul Trip I EP.3] Youth’s Burning Excitement! Activities at the Han River!

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One of Seoul’s main attractions- the Han River!
The new activities that can be enjoyed in the Han River apart from riding excursion boats,
and the enjoying night scenery- Han River’s various activities!
By enjoying water sports on the river, we are able to fully discover and enjoy the charm of Han River.
한국어 : • 3회_젊음의열기를불태우다! 한강액티비티!
中文 : • 3回_点燃年轻的热情! 汉江活动!
日本語 : • 3回_若者の熱気を燃え上がらせる! 漢江アク...

@jaymahealinski 6 жыл бұрын
when i think johnny and lucas are the most extea duo, johnny and mark do the titanic pose out of nowhere lmao i can't with them 😂😂 -it's confirmed. johnny is the most extra member from nct-
@Soraya1911 6 жыл бұрын
jay mahealinski OOF YES HE's So dramatic he was my first Bias In NCT
@idontknowwhattoputinhere7382 6 жыл бұрын
Sarah1008 K SAME! Now Jungwoo but I still love my man cuz he is still my first love in nct
@rlali983 5 жыл бұрын
My bias is lucas
@ra7il4728 4 жыл бұрын
lollll i can’t with themmm
@kathryncanaguier2557 4 жыл бұрын
my first love was Taeil then Mark and now Lucas and maybe Johnny
@for_enhatan 6 жыл бұрын
*nct jamming to shinee is such a mood*
@ehno4913 6 жыл бұрын
@archikadarra1498 6 жыл бұрын
omg YES
@imelda8193 6 жыл бұрын
Whats the name of the song
@archikadarra1498 6 жыл бұрын
Imelda Charco it’s Good Evening 😊
@imelda8193 6 жыл бұрын
@@archikadarra1498 good evening to u 2😂😂 Just kidding THANK you 😁
@justkiddingjames 6 жыл бұрын
I love Lucas' reactions and answers for everything lol
@yoonjiniverse 6 жыл бұрын
Yuta:I swim from Korea to Japan sometimes *Yuta is a seal*
@princessfarrahkalekalanton9508 5 жыл бұрын
Yoongi and Yeosang Mark: ExCuse Me?
@ra7il4728 4 жыл бұрын
lollll “오바 하지마 ㅏ ㅏ”😂
@coconut_sparkling_water 4 жыл бұрын
*I thought he was a lion* edit He's a sea lion (lol SEA what I did there?) (lol I'll stop for real now)
@jaymahealinski 6 жыл бұрын
can johnny and lucas please stop being this extra? lmao i don't think i can survive this level of second-hand embarrassment 😂😂
@gothicgal9679 6 жыл бұрын
why? but i like them to be extra
@sugarhoneyicedtea1205 6 жыл бұрын
They are just being themselves hahahahhahahahhaa. So extraaaaa hahhahahaa
@tzuyuinggum4165 6 жыл бұрын
don't worry, our edit fairy will cut some embarrassing moments.
@neoscrackheadedtechnology7032 6 жыл бұрын
@@marijaab6196 it was a joke..
@neoscrackheadedtechnology7032 6 жыл бұрын
@@gothicgal9679 it was a joke..
@junny2208 6 жыл бұрын
So there is Johnny & Mark speaking English Winwin,Lucas & Kun speaking Chinese And There is Yuta third wheeling
@nadianazari2679 6 жыл бұрын
The members who never get attention are finally getting attention
@theepoopydoodoo 6 жыл бұрын
We've got 2 members who get lots of spotlight (Mark and Lucas) and them being there is going to attract more people. Then we have Kun, Winwin, Yuta, and Johnny who have no lines (Yuta more than the others), but people who are popular enough within the Fandom.
@romasigney1643 6 жыл бұрын
@tunafish8471 6 жыл бұрын
Where is taeil and renjun.. they never get attention Lucas and mark always gets attention (Btw Lucas is my ult and I love mark so no I don’t hate them)
@romasigney1643 6 жыл бұрын
TunaFish agree and im new to fandom i don't know jaemin and renjun that well :(
@nadianazari2679 6 жыл бұрын
TunaFish OmG yass
@NeoGotMyBack 6 жыл бұрын
SM doing great things for us
@skzlilbean 4 жыл бұрын
Like what?😐
@lauratahiti697 6 жыл бұрын
Mark and Johnny: speak in English China line: speak in Chinese And we have Yuta... 😂
@kodzuken3656 6 жыл бұрын
rip Yuta
@cathgee2781 6 жыл бұрын
Was about to comment about their language and I saw this 😂😂😂 poor Yuta 😂
@youeclipseall 5 жыл бұрын
Lucas actually speaks in all foreign languages too, that's why he seems to stutter in all languages. He speaks Cantonese, Mandarin is learned during his time in Korea
@aynahan8599 5 жыл бұрын
hey did anyone here know what song played at 2:23 ?
@TheGaby5 5 жыл бұрын
Jung Ayna it's Good Evening by SHINee 😊
@stillnotvera 6 жыл бұрын
Yuta's voice in 9:50 it's so beautiful. SM give this boy more lines thanks
@grace013 6 жыл бұрын
He has also lines in their songs.
@Blueblue8811 5 жыл бұрын
I came looking for this comment 😭😭♥️
@kimberlyleeanastashyakito3019 6 жыл бұрын
Is it dream? Sm give us English sub .... Keep it sm hha And ,,, jhonny and lucas are so extra... I can't hide to laugh 😂
@tenzinphakdon2369 6 жыл бұрын
Kimberly Lee Anastashya Kito if only they will do it at every mv
@elfondadephinta1465 6 жыл бұрын
he is johnny btw
@spicymangooo 6 жыл бұрын
Kimberly Lee Anastashya Kito I was hoping the same, but since the government also has a hand in it I'm sure it's also a publicity stunt to get more people excited about Seoul. Since they want it to reach more people I figure it's their input to have English subs. But maybe SM can learn from this...
@sincerelykei3028 5 жыл бұрын
finally, this comment im trying to search
@cloud.l.l 6 жыл бұрын
They are do energetic! And I love it! Winwin is so cute(i meaned everyone is, but Winwin is an adorable fluff ball)
@jigglyjoi6563 6 жыл бұрын
_i wish ten was with them_
@hadassah6563 5 жыл бұрын
Where was he? Had he not debuted?
@mayishaalam2220 5 жыл бұрын
Hadassah bro ten was one of the first nct members to debut with the 7th sense what are you talking about 💀🤡
@hadassah6563 5 жыл бұрын
@@mayishaalam2220 haha I'm new. Last month, I had only just started stanning them. So please don't call me a 🤡. There are 21 of them, and, because of the units, it is hard to keep track of things like debut dates of members and who came before who
@mayishaalam2220 5 жыл бұрын
Hadassah oh I didn’t know I’m sorry!! The clown emoji was just for fun, please don’t be offended. Thank you for supporting nct!! 💚💚💚
@hadassah6563 5 жыл бұрын
@@mayishaalam2220 that's fine. I wasn't offended. I just thought people would assume I'm new 😅😂 You too💜💜💜 God bless 🙏
@Certainvie 6 жыл бұрын
Again, NCT making sure we’re all full and have up-to-date memes and inside jokes
@michelle5674 6 жыл бұрын
Winwin’s “im good at everything” was meant for SM
@erm6696 6 жыл бұрын
First lucas & mark Now lucas & johnny Lucas is feeding my shipping heart so well.
@NeoGotMyBack 6 жыл бұрын
@namjinisreal9101 6 жыл бұрын
Johnny deserves an Oscar for his amazing acting in the past eps 😂😂😂😂😂
@carolinatorres4547 6 жыл бұрын
i just love seeing them having fun
@milkywayali7565 6 жыл бұрын
Multifandom but ARMY - so are you a fan of every group except BTS? 😂
@carolinatorres4547 6 жыл бұрын
@@milkywayali7565 lol no! Now that you say that wow my name does kinda sound like that 😂. I am an ARMY
@milkywayali7565 6 жыл бұрын
Multifandom but ARMY Okay good!! 😂😂
@Certainvie 6 жыл бұрын
Can someone put Johnny in a Kdrama already XD
@kharismaannisa2505 4 жыл бұрын
Why this comment is underated!!!
@skzlilbean 4 жыл бұрын
Because his acting contract is being held hostage in SM's dungeon 🙃
@tada8092 4 жыл бұрын
@sunbutterfly8884 3 жыл бұрын
Yes plzzzz
@idontknowwhattoputinhere7382 6 жыл бұрын
I kinda really want another japanese member for Yuta and one from Thailand for Ten. Everyone has at least one person who comes from the same country or like Johnny and Mark who speaks the same language as mother tongue.
@youeclipseall 5 жыл бұрын
Lucas actually speaks in all foreign languages too, that's why he seems to stutter in all languages. He speaks Cantonese, Mandarin is learned during his time in Korea
@that617 5 жыл бұрын
YouEclipseAll I swear if you comment this one more time lol this is like the 100th time
@lavendermansyyy99 5 жыл бұрын
@@that617 hahahaha u got that one sizt
@larahxeniating6645 4 жыл бұрын
your wish just came true shotaro the new member is japanese
@gunny4394 3 жыл бұрын
*funny how dreams come true*
@smilesmile1530 5 жыл бұрын
I love the way Lucas tried to use his body language to explain...he is so adorable...
@Certainvie 6 жыл бұрын
Lucas x Johnny is becoming a ship now
@leehaesunshine6028 6 жыл бұрын
Tide Pods the extra ship 😂😂
@rhanisaputri5993 6 жыл бұрын
Jungwoo and Ten is shaking
@Certainvie 6 жыл бұрын
Rhanisa Putri shouldn’t have let their husbands go on a trip together smfh
@kodzuken3656 6 жыл бұрын
i hope no because Jungwoo and Taeil are shaking lmao
@heerankim3365 6 жыл бұрын
99CT being curious about everything😂.I love how Winwin speaks in korean.It's very cute😍😍
@for_enhatan 6 жыл бұрын
*i swear that skit at the beginning im-*
@squarebear6578 6 жыл бұрын
same i couldn't stop laughing for a second.
@hanisaddina4428 4 жыл бұрын
the way johnny hushed lucas, i swear-
@nrmnie1438 6 жыл бұрын
Lucas: “Does this water taste salty? Or sweet?” Kun: “it’s not sweet, it doesn’t take like anything. If you want to know, just have a taste~” OMG. KUN. 😂😂😂 And then I thought lucas will gonna try to taste the water. 😂😂😂
@AmnahLol 6 жыл бұрын
The meme culture is really high in this fandom
@HN-kr1nf 3 жыл бұрын
meme culture technology
@gunny4394 3 жыл бұрын
You said it.
@starsoullove127 5 жыл бұрын
I feel like if Yuta told Taeyong that he swims from Korea to Japan he would believe him because Taeyong always falls for Yuta's crazy stories
@riyaabdi 6 жыл бұрын
They were speaking Chinese and English on the boat,,my poor Japanese bby has no one, SM you need to recruit another Japanese member
@firasyfr 6 жыл бұрын
Riya A but maybe they still keep them in the dungeon
@melindanatalinspiritexo-l7952 6 жыл бұрын
Yuta is Japanese right??
@DefineMorena 6 жыл бұрын
Melinda Natal Yup.
@luciagonzalezuranga9908 6 жыл бұрын
I seriously thought i was the only who noticed that, i felt lonely only from watching lol
@riyaabdi 6 жыл бұрын
Lucy G ugh same😭
@saeriya 6 жыл бұрын
@SincerelyHannah9 6 жыл бұрын
@coconutbrown2527 4 жыл бұрын
Winwin looks like a maknae but Lucas acts like one but then again they both look adorable and act so young and happy it’s adorable I’m so happy to see them enjoying themselves and kun is finally on another season of nct life I’ve never been happier
@RituSingh-vg3nu 6 жыл бұрын
2:00 Yuta's smile is so beautiful i mean-
@bapplequack6351 6 жыл бұрын
What’s the song there?
@37kopauk 6 жыл бұрын
Song name pls.
@ifyoustannctsayhid2150 6 жыл бұрын
Johnny back with the bad acting😂
@michellemalinga1377 6 жыл бұрын
@DefineMorena 6 жыл бұрын
When they fanboyed over that muscular guy 😂
@maratrylidia3608 6 жыл бұрын
OMG Winwinie "i'm good at everything" 3:23 make me so soft 😍❤️ yeah u r the best uri cutie baby ❤️❤️
@hf_zm 4 жыл бұрын
Johnny and lucas areee soooo extraaaa! I love themm! I need more of their moment tgether nowww
@umairanuranisxx4446 4 жыл бұрын
I like when Lucas join variety show because him can made laugh to all people🤣
@iangrant9958 6 жыл бұрын
1:06 Lucas felt so attacked 😂 😂 😂 I love Johnny and Lucas so much
@sleepynoa8277 6 жыл бұрын
Lucas: "YO WHATS UPPPP" Lucas is such a mood
@serenityvang2741 6 жыл бұрын
10:10 mark sang the wrong song😂 it’s still so cute but you should’ve said “Johnny I’m flying, I’m flying Johnny” 😂❤️
@wawaristi 5 жыл бұрын
@qurratuain6911 6 жыл бұрын
9:00 to 9:42 99CT full of curiosity lmao 😂 so cute mark n lucas
@kristal3346 6 жыл бұрын
Someone get these boys an Oscar cause that was some A+ acting in the beginning.
@byuneriquen267 4 жыл бұрын
Lucas being Lucas, how adorable he is.
@yes9825 6 жыл бұрын
mark’s little voice at 1:55 IM CRYING IN THE CLUB
@37kopauk 6 жыл бұрын
What the name of the song?
@whenyouwishuponastar2420 5 жыл бұрын
You are in the club?! 😂😂😂
@whenyouwishuponastar2420 5 жыл бұрын
@@37kopauk SHINee - Good Evening
@silentcryisbetterthanyou2650 6 жыл бұрын
7:29 am i the only one who thinks johnny and mark go down the stairs in a very 'american' way. Like we, americans always seem to go down the stairs like that. Or is that just me?
@genius2053 6 жыл бұрын
bring_back_coca_cola_oppa kpop _lover i can’t stop watching that now
@melindanatalinspiritexo-l7952 6 жыл бұрын
Me to
@wawaristi 5 жыл бұрын
@kharismaannisa2505 4 жыл бұрын
@@wawaristi dude, so do I 🍻
@ra7il4728 4 жыл бұрын
@Waarst ASR they’re the ones with black hats... but like seriously tho😂😂
@avocadodu 6 жыл бұрын
I love how they can talk multilingual freely
@cloud34 6 жыл бұрын
Johnny and Mark : speak in English together Lucas and Kun : speak in Chinese together Yuta : *contemplates his life decisions in japanese*
@txtist 6 жыл бұрын
kun and yuta are out here looking like the loves of my life wow
@Lualvarez 6 жыл бұрын
There is nothing I love more than see these idols who make me happy being happy themselves. I wish every group would go on day trips like this one and enjoy small moments and friends like this. 💚
@AlexBsSecret 6 жыл бұрын
I hope that there's going to be at least another japanese guy in SM Rookies, China line is getting along so well and Johnny and Mark are sharing a lot together... and Yuta can't. They love him, we love him,but hopefully he'll get someone who he can talk to in his native language too
@cindeng6624 4 жыл бұрын
2 years later... he now have shotaro...
@daniaariesya8475 3 жыл бұрын
now we have shotaro
@rin9972 6 жыл бұрын
winwin with taeyong : silent winwin winwin without taeyong : loud winwin
@TyTrack_127 6 жыл бұрын
dolphinchenle dolphinchenle but why?
@rin9972 6 жыл бұрын
nerakosovo he talk more without ty i dont mean anything harsh but its look to funny
@vwinyizhan7098 4 жыл бұрын
he’s secretly in love with taeyong and most people are shy around their crush c:
@Kayla-wp8np 4 жыл бұрын
He is actually sweet and acts cute when it comes to Taeyong. I can feel like he is a younger brother when he is with Taeyong and acts mature here without Taeyong. Lol
@ericaangelinatunacao7565 5 жыл бұрын
Definitely you can tell Kun and WinWin didn't need a translating earpiece this time they can communicate more with their non-Chinese members. Cuz of 2 things WinWin is a freaking talking machine and the other Kun is smiling & interacting more with the Korean & Japanese & Thai members of NCT. I forgot the most important thing becoming comfortable with them too! X3
@bamxstar 6 жыл бұрын
Lucas is so loud I love it😍😭👏🏽 and baby Mark is too cute💚
@bbsisi7820 6 жыл бұрын
"Is the water sweet or salty?" MARK YOU REALLY OUT HERE- SKKSKSKSKSKAKA
@aesthet4959 6 жыл бұрын
that was lucas lmao but jkhsfjhjsdh
@louwrich6769 5 жыл бұрын
lmao that was lucas
@marshmallow3969 6 жыл бұрын
Winwin:I'm good at everything! I CAN'T HANDLE MYSELF
@nnnajwa 5 жыл бұрын
Johnny and lucas is all we need. I mean their endless energy and excitement
@arianapetrova90 6 жыл бұрын
SM smartly promoting I Seoul Tour Map app, with a bit of Johnny Lucas ship, brilliant
@jaeminngfrl 4 жыл бұрын
When lucas and winwin acting cute 1:43 the best thing I've seen😍😍😍
@CJ_can 6 жыл бұрын
Mark has such a vibrant vocabulary in Korean and in English is so chill and laid back. That's adorable
@amy8707 6 жыл бұрын
sicheng saying "me too" is sO CUTE I UWUED SO FLUFFING LOUD
@udi2711 4 жыл бұрын
Winwin crushing and amazed by the sports trainer is so adorable
@DefineMorena 6 жыл бұрын
Mark asking questions about the yacht. I wonder how he was at school 🤔😂
@toadwi 6 жыл бұрын
being a multifandom stan is so fun bc Stray Kids' My Pace came on as an advert and I watched it all
@pebble8978 6 жыл бұрын
10:15 awwww Kun mama holding the son's vest uwu
@Litakever 4 жыл бұрын
You can literally tell how happy Johnny is, after finally getting to debut after training for 9 years
@bellaoktaviani7227 6 жыл бұрын
1:06 The way lucas look into johnny and smiled because johnny's acting im sooooo done lucas you killed meeeh
@heyitsnicki644 5 жыл бұрын
Okay, but Johnny and Lucas in that opening. That's the greatest thing that's ever happened to me.
@Vyxvix 5 жыл бұрын
Two things: first, Kun is an underrated visual. So cute. Second. Did you notice they sang I will always love you instead of my heart will go on for the titanic moment? Lol dorks. Oh.. also Mark is such a curious boy lol. That’s why he’s so talented at everything
@dorkydesy5780 6 жыл бұрын
Hot&Young are the best compilation 😍
@lucashaeyadwae6403 6 жыл бұрын
Winwin is so cute around Lucasss
@allegra444 6 жыл бұрын
SM notice Johnny's acting talent. That skit was so passionate...it brought me to tears.
@zoeniveahmarcellana4619 5 жыл бұрын
Lucas reaction is everything especially his wide eyes ..
@frederiquep.1954 6 жыл бұрын
Tbh, you know Johnny and Lucas were just BORN to be idols (or at least on tv) :')
@lavenderiediaries 6 жыл бұрын
I am just wondering what will haechan do to mark after seeing that titanic pose😂
@wearenotthesameonlyoneofme8185 4 жыл бұрын
he threw him into the water(in 2k19) and now I know why he did this)
@yukki-hime6026 6 жыл бұрын
Omg Lucas is the most lovable person
@米肉周 6 жыл бұрын
take care of yourself Lucas.. wish you always happy
@ealx1976 6 жыл бұрын
Mark is so curious! It's so adorable! His personality is all around amazing!
@rinwidiasari5293 6 жыл бұрын
When Mark speak english! WHY HE'S SO CUTE
@UnlimitedPocky123 6 жыл бұрын
Petition for Yuta to showcase his beautiful singing voice. Like he was humming and it sounded so beautiful.
@Notactive2222 6 жыл бұрын
I am very early
@kittykits2629 6 жыл бұрын
It makes me happy to see the difference of their first NCT life and Hot&Young!!! They are now comfortable with each other, especially winwin and kun
@AmnahLol 6 жыл бұрын
The skit are so funny , i can barely watch them without cringing
@CrispiePotato 5 жыл бұрын
Johnny being so over the top in all of these episodes is giving me so much life I love him.
@frshdeedoo 6 жыл бұрын
Lucas is another version of Johnny but little bit of extra😂😂
@liyanachii5822 5 жыл бұрын
What I love about this video of NCT is, not only they show how NCT's personality, but it also shows the beautiful of Seoul. I respect SM for this ❤ 2 in 1 haha
@Ilikeflowers22 6 жыл бұрын
I LOVE Marks vocals ❤❤❤ Give this boy some vocal lines pls
@fluffybubblesbaby1154 5 жыл бұрын
The way Lucas use body language and explained to the members is sooo cute💚💚💚💚💚
@shahnazmubashir7439 5 жыл бұрын
When I first came to this fandom I thought Lucas was very silent one but one I'm like what was I thinking 😂
@summersfullsun2920 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much SM for this 💚 this series has also become like a healing time for them
@Fullsunfloweryyy 6 жыл бұрын
Lucas trying so hard to explain everything 😂 He needs an award.
@nessap6771 6 жыл бұрын
seeing you guys happy literally warms my heart
@charlotte1907-u2i 4 жыл бұрын
Mark: Investigating the mechanics of the boat Lucas: Is the water salty or sweet?
@deeo2961 5 жыл бұрын
Lucas is such a mood! whatever he does i always cracking up 🤣🤣🤣
@jazminaca5433 6 жыл бұрын
@sugamin9929 4 жыл бұрын
As someone who really loves sailing, it was great seeing the members doing my favourite sport! 😊
@yes9825 6 жыл бұрын
why is lucas suddenly 100x more extra when he’s with johnny?
@blancaalvarado9879 6 жыл бұрын
PLEASE GOD NEVER LET THIS SERIES END. JUST MAKE THEM A UNIT ALREADY. But seriously I love all of them so much. 💜💜
@nurainin5856 6 жыл бұрын
1:56 Do you hear that SM ? He even can hit a high note, shouldn't he have more lines? Oh come on man don't make him trained for 8 years for nothing. He really deserve better. 3:23 Oh hell yeah he really good at everything. Dancing, visual and yeah singing also can you give him a chance to reveal all his talents. It's such a waste you take and trained him for nothing. I hope he will shine in NCT China also with Kun ge. 💖 9:48 he really have such a nice voice 😭 Give him more lines too! ㅠㅠ
@strawberry-cs2oj 4 жыл бұрын
Mark being curious about things is the best precious moment of mine
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